UFO's in LonDoN

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | 1 Comments

As she was surfing on Google's "Street View" service, Faye Sharpe (18) discovered, not as hoped, her friends stroll through the town - but a fleet of mysterious flying objects! Three rows of three unidentified flying objects. UFO alert in London! [Bild Germany]

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WhiTe EnemY

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | 1 Comments

The first snow in some ones life is usually a nice experience. Although, the falling fluffs lead to very frightening reactions of this cuddly feline: the cat escapes under a bicycle tarp from the surrounding "White enemy", but it's no use: The snow is always there and everywhere.

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BirthDaY of the EiFFeL ToweR

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | 0 Comments

Long ago the Parisians called it "blot", "tragic street lamp" and "monster", but today it's the landmark of the city. It's celebrated and loved: the famous Eiffel Tower is getting on the 31st of March 2009, 120 years old! 
Gustave Eiffel built the "iron lady", as Parisians affectionately call the tower nowadays, as the Exposition Universelle took place in the year 1889. Around 2.5 million rivets hold the 324 meters high colossus together. It is the most popular attraction in the french capital and more than 200 million people have visited and climbed it until today.
And a really nice thing, that makes me proud to be a romanian: few people do know that the steel for the metallic structure was prepared by romanian people, from Resita, Romania.

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Great SYnch-OFFicE ActiviTY

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | 0 Comments

A group of bored (maybe because of the financial crisis) but extremely good looking and sexy staff members of an architectural office in Russia have spend their time doing what seems to be a a Synch-swimmer number for the office, then posted to film on the Internet. Really funny!

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The ReaL GarFielD

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

So ... Garfield really exists. He's not only that grumpy cartoon character, but in real life Garfield is a cat that sits relaxed on the sofa and watches TV. [Thanks Oana]

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American TeddY Bear DaY

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

In November 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt and some of his friends went on a hunting trip to Mississippi. After hours of searching, Roosevelt and his group had not come across any wild animals. Finally, the group did track down and surrounded a helpless bear. One of the guides asked the president to shoot the bear so he could win a hunting trophy. The president refused, and news reporters throughout the country spread the story of Roosevelt's kind act.
Not long after this took place, a famous cartoonist named Clifford Berryman drew a cartoon based on Roosevelt 's rescue of the bear. When a store owner in Brooklyn saw the cartoon, he decided to make toy bears to sell in his shop. He asked president Roosevelt for permission to use the name "Teddy's Bear" for his toys, as a reminder of the bear Roosevelt had set free.
November 14 has been designated American Teddy Bear Day. Note this down in your calendar.

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BoaR attacks Lioness

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

In the savanna it's usually a little bit different. Not quite as this post shows the scenes. The major question. Why doesn't the lion attack?!

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New MeaninG of "SF"

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 1 Comments

Did you ever think SF could mean something else than "Science Fiction"?! Check this out.

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SnoWinG BiLLboaRD

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

Designed as a promotional tool for Tryvann Winter Park, a ski resort just 15 minutes outside of Oslo, these snowing billboards alert commuters that conditions are optimal for hitting the slopes. Whenever it begins snowing on the mountain, an SMS message is sent to the billboards instructing them to start their thing. A second message is sent when the snow stops. Needless to say, the temptation to ditch work would be unbearable.

Tryvann - The Snowing Billboard from Martin on Vimeo.
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ShueLLa - The ShoE UmbreLLa

Monday, March 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

As the weather forecast (for Romania) is not so optimistic for the next few days, maybe you should try out this new concept. 
Shuella is a genius and simply amazing way to protect your expensive shoes from getting wet. Just slip these amazing boots over your favorite shoes and walk out into the rain without a care in the world.  These amazing boots are available in a variety of colors including buttercup yellow, apple green, basic black and hot pink. Each pair includes a drying cloth and a zipper pouch for flat-pack and easy storage. Priced at $50, these boots could be considered a must have.

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AThLeTic SHeeP

Sunday, March 29, 2009 | 0 Comments

This is a nice sunday post. It's a sheep that makes a break for freedom. An incredible athlete!

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BabY-CarrYinG RoomBa

Saturday, March 28, 2009 | 0 Comments

And the father of the year award goes to Ron Tajima, who created a Rooma/baby crib hybrid that he calls the Cradloomba. A better name might be Child Services Express.

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PiLLoW BlankeT

Saturday, March 28, 2009 | 0 Comments

Perhaps we should rethink our blankets and sleep with something extra comfortable—like this blanket constructed entirely out of pillows.

With a pillow missing in its rectangular design, it allows you to slip your head through the hole—poncho style—and use it as both a pillow and a blanket.

But if you get cold easily in the night, you'd probably need extra blankets since it looks like there are gaps between each pillow. Also, if you're the type that likes to snuggle, this blanket could potentially be a problem in the bedroom—unless you both have extremely small noggins.

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LeGo BoaT

Saturday, March 28, 2009 | 0 Comments

Legos has mused about the limits. Could I build a car? A house? A boat? Now you can tell your inner child: Yes! Just don't let him watch the end.

Japanese boy band Arashi constructed a boat capable of keeping the whole group of four afloat, assisted only by the natural buoyancy of the boys' whimsy. It worked! For a while! Then, as you can see for yourself, things fell apart disastrously. The only salve I can offer for your bruised, waterlogged dreams is this: Japanprobe thinks the Legos are knockoffs.

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TasTY BuT DeadLY

Saturday, March 28, 2009 | 0 Comments

This print ad by Ogilvy & Mather for India positions Glaxo's Eno antacid as the pure white daisy in the muzzle of an assault rifle of tasty pain. The Dorito gunsight...damn.

Eno is an antacid produced by GlaxoSmithKline. It's globally distributed, mainly across South America, India, and the Middle East, and it's available as sachets and tablets in both Lemon and an ambiguous "Regular" flavor.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009 | 0 Comments

Since 2004, the company behind the Hotelicopter has been working to modify a Soviet-made Mil V-12 into two world firsts: the "world's biggest helicopter" and the "world's first flying hotel."

As you might have guessed, the experience on board the Hotelicopter is far from your standard Motel 6. This gigantic flying Titanic machine features everything you would expect from a 5-star hotel—from private entertainment systems and room service to extras like spa treatments, yoga classes, gaming and a tea garden.

If you were wondering just how big and powerful this flying hotel really is, check out the specs:

* Dimensions Length: 42 m
* Height: 14m
* Maximum Takeoff Weight: 105850 kg
* Maximum speed: 255 km/h
* Cruising speed: 237 km/h
* Original Mi Range: 515 km
* Our augmented Mi Range - 1,030 km

The inaugural flight is set to take place on June 26th for an undisclosed price. Obviously, only the affluent need apply—but anyone that is interested can head on over to the Hotelicopter website to get more info about setting up a reservation.

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IcE DruM PlaYer

Friday, March 27, 2009 | 0 Comments

Hellacopters drummer playing on ice-drums in Icehotel Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.

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The SuPeR ChaMeLeoN

Thursday, March 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

The super chameleon shows his super camouflaging powers.

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PackMan PiLLoW

Thursday, March 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

Pac-Man has been an integral part of everyone's gaming life or so I'm hoping. It's probably as iconic as the Mario universe. So if you get a chance to have some Pac-Man pillows in your house, there's no way you are going to want to say pass to this offer. The cute little pillows feature Pac-Man and his friends/enemies: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. The pillows are adorable, geeky and display your love for gaming. It's a sweet deal.

You get a set for $60. Perfect for your couch where you sit for hours gaming.

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HaVinG SeX with a VacUUm CLeaNer

Thursday, March 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

What happens when you are caught making sweet love to a car wash vacuum in Michigan? Apparently, it gets you 90 days in jail for indecent exposure and mandatory drug testing.

Seriously though, that sentence must pale in comparison to the shame that a 29-year old man must feel when he becomes notorious for publicly screwing a vacuum. And what about the fear his community must feel? No vacuum or pool filter for 50 miles is safe.

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Robo BruSH Makes CoWs HaPPY!

Thursday, March 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

If you watch just one video online today, let it be this strangely hypnotizing video of cows getting super excited about a gigantic, robotic cow brush.

Apparently, cows absolutely love getting their rub on with these giant brushes, and when they're happy, they make better milk. So, farm owners, hop on board with the DeLaval cow brush for all your cow brush needs. Also, where'd you find the sweet jams?

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Thursday, March 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

Boxed milk and juices are a supermarket staple, but one company is now selling boxed water.

Boxed Water Is Better sells water in cartons, ditching the plastic bottles while reducing the overall carbon footprint of packing and distribution by 80%.

20% of the company's profits are passed along to reforestation (10%) and water relief (10%) while you sip on the sweet hydrogen/oxygen nectar of Minnesota and a few parts per billion of paper pulp.

But while Boxed Water is undoubtedly more sustainable than bottled water, I can't help but think the product's absurdity does less to open a new market than close an old one. In other words, Boxed Water is a ridiculous solution to an even more ridiculous problem—that we'd rather buy packaged water than drink it for nearly free out of the tap.

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Chinese WooDeN BiKe

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

A carpenter in a Chinese village, perhaps unwilling to spend what would amount to a month's pay on a bicycle, has created a 100% wooden one to ride around town instead.

55-year-old Peijia Wu, from Shandong province, allegedly took three months to build his DIY wooden bike. It features no metal parts whatsoever – joints are fixed with small wooden bungs and a rod-crank system has replaced where the chain would normally be.

Ingenious! It's like a stair master and a bike rolled into one and it's probably less likely to fall apart than other wooden bike models.

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Creme ThaT EGG!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

Rube Goldbergs machine is pretty friggn' ingenious—even if it does result in a the gruesome death of a delicious Cadbury Egg.

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Giant PeniS on ThE RooFToP

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

Teenager Rory McInnes painted a giant phallus on the roof of his parents' West Berkshire mansion, apparently after watching a programme about Google Earth.

The BBC delicately describes it as a "comedy painting", saying it was there for a whole year before his parents found out.

It is not the first time the stunt has been tried. In 2006 the Sun reported that "pranksters drew a willy on the roof of a top school" in Teesside that went unnoticed until it appeared on Google Earth.

Similarly for the benefit of Google Earth, pupils drew a 6m penis in weedkiller on school playing fields in Southampton in 2007.

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120 USD R2D2 ComPuteR

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

One Star Wars fan/PC modder built this R2D2 case from under $120 in parts.

By custom cutting a stainless steel trash can, R2 had his base. Now he just needed some detail work. So the modder added wooden legs, LEDs and Vikureen polystyrene plating to complete the look. Where the plastic plating would not bend properly, you can see (upon close inspection) that it was merely sliced into strips.

Oh, and just in case you always wondered. R2D2 runs on a P4 2.8GHz with 768MB of RAM and 64MB GeForce MX400 graphics.

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The PinK SLiP for Your BeeR BoTTLe

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

Many girls love pink. But there are some times that the pink color really get’s too much. Look, for instance, at this Fuchsia and Feather Drink Slip. Probably the only advantage of this slip is that you will always know which bottle is yours! The slip can be used for beer cans as well as soda bottle (but please don’t expect to be taken seriously when you drink beer with this pink slip on). For those who think they can carry off this wonderful PinK SliP, it priced at just $6,99.

And for those who like the design and not the color, it is also available in a Zebra & Leopard print.

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MYsTeRious MoVInG sTonEs

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time. Some scientists have proposed that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements. However, this theory does not explain evidence of different rocks starting side by side and moving at different rates and in disparate directions. Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour would be needed to move some of the stones.

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An IPhone can GeT You into JaiL

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | 0 Comments

Shoe designer Sayaka Fukuda was mugged by two men who made off with her purse and iPhone. After reporting it to police, she noticed a strange email in her outbox. Guess what happened next?

She knew she didn't send any email, so she opened the attachment, which was a self-portrait her attacker emailed to himself. She forwarded the picture to police, who quickly matched it to a mug shot of Dacquan Mathis.

Fukuda made the not so bright move of emailing Mathis directly, telling him the cops were onto him. He cheerfully replied to her, "I will kill you! I know where you live, I know where you work. I'll send people."

But we all know how this ends—the cops busted him, and he confessed to jacking the iPhone as well as another mugging involving an iPod.

Moral of the story: Whenever you steal a piece of technology, make sure you know how it works, or you'll get made fun of on a bunch of blogs. Oh yeah, and go to jail and stuff.

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Hot & Cold RemaKe

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 Comments

Now check this out. It's a ukrainian band, called Los Colorados, playing a remake of Katy Perrys Hot & Cold!

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Flammable WaTeR

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 Comments

Ever experienced flammable water? A Fort Lupton couple says they have so much natural gas in their water they can light it on fire.
Jesse and Amee Ellsworth say the gas has been leaking into their water well from a nearby gas well for the last six months. They say the gas companies are working on a well water treatment system, possibly for the entire community, but that any solution will take time.

Check also this video out.

Or this one:

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People go to Florida to see the space shuttlelaunch live, but these guys totally own everyone: They fly next to the launch site and jump from the plane in their wingsuits to watch it.

In the video it looks like it's far away, but take into account that those are very wide lenses. Of course, they are out of the airspace exclusion area, but they are quite close. Apparently, from up there the clarity of the launch is amazing.

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Air Mail Mighty Wallet

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 0 Comments

The Air Mail Wallet ($14.95) is made of a one single sheet of Tyvek; no stitching or parts that can be ripped or torn.

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ThE 111.888 Euro FinE!

Monday, March 23, 2009 | 0 Comments

Because he was driving 82 km/h in a 60 km/h zone, a finnish guy named Jari Bar, has to pay a fine of 111.888 euros. In the Scandinavian country, if a certain speed is exceeded, the fine applied, is established by the level of salary.
At over 20 km/h over the speed limit, the daily income is the basis for calculating fines for tempo sinners. Given the rapid Finn, in 2007, Bar sold a large part of his company and his daily income was estimated at about 9,300 euros.

As Jari Bar got a fine equivalent to a twelve day income, the penalty reached 111,888 euros. Now try to beat this!

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Worlds BiGGesT buRGer

Monday, March 23, 2009 | 0 Comments

1100 people from Innkreis, Austria got really excited last weekend as the worlds largest burger was prepared by one of their neighbours, the holder of the XXL-Restaurant "Kirchwirt", Eduard Matoy. With a diameter of 182 centimeters and a weight of 70 kilograms Eduards burger broke the previous world record of 170 centimeters. A notary has confirmed the data.

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ThE UFO House

Monday, March 23, 2009 | 0 Comments

What do you get when architects deconstruct a sphere? At least in this case, you get a house that looks a lot like a UFO.

From inside to out, the Klein Bottle experimental house plays with the theme of a mathematical puzzle that manifests in an interesting hodgepodge of geometry. But cleverly hidden within these angles and crevices is a rain water collection system and solar paneling (because aliens hate to pollute).

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The HaiR'O'GroW Cap

Sunday, March 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

Now, for just $90 (that's just ten payments of under $10) you can regrow the hair on top of your head (or anywhere else!). Japanese scientists have discovered that the root of all hair loss is the clogged hair pathways in your skin. This uniquely engineered rubber shower cap captures shower water in such a way that it steams your scalp, allowing hair through. Operators are standing by, but they might not speak English. So you'd better just order this one through the website.

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Tune up your BaTHRooM

Sunday, March 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

Now really. What do you think about this faucet?! Isn't it cool?

This faucet-vase combination will not excuse the rest of your grungy tenement.

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The EyE LamP

Friday, March 20, 2009 | 0 Comments

Picture the eye lamp in your bedroom...watching you do things. Judging you. Peering into your very soul... Thankfully, it only a concept.

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On a cool spring eve March 15th, 2009 a bat, crippled and wistful, clung to the Space Shuttle Discovery as it was thrust toward the great beyond. Goodbye and godspeed, my magnificent Spacebat.
Maybe this is how the report should have read like:

"Bereft of his ability to fly and with nowhere to go, a courageous bat climbed aboard our Discovery with stars in his weak little eyes. The launch commenced, and Spacebat trembled as his frail mammalian body was gently pushed skyward. For the last time, he felt the primal joy of flight; for the first, the indescribable feeling of ascending toward his dream—a place far away from piercing screeches and crowded caves, stretching forever into fathomless blackness.

Whether he was consumed in the exhaust flames or frozen solid in the stratosphere is of no concern. We know that Spacebat died, but his dream will live on in all of us."


And the bat song (hope you will not cry) :)

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