Looks like one of the spiders that was sent to the ISS for research felt pretty bad about the lack of gravity and ran away. Zero gravity messes with the spiders and the webs they are making. Could it be that the small creature got fed up of disorientation?
The normally symmetrical web building spiders, who were sent up to the International space station for some experiments, are having trouble weaving in zero gravity. OK, well a lot of trouble. Astronauts were a little surprised when they had a peak in the specially built spider enclosure and discovered a freaky tangled 3 dimensional silk mess.


Another Question ... Does the International Space Station need a new name? Is ISS not enough?
Maybe. Maybe not.
It once was named Alpha. President Reagan wanted to name it Freedom, but that name was not good enough.
Parts of the space station have names: Zarya, Kibo, Destiny, Harmony and Columbus, but the entire assembly is just the plain-old, clunky, wordy International Space Station. Maye at its 10th anniversary, it will get a new name.
FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...