Shanghai Lady

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 | 0 Comments

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New Britney Spears Video

Saturday, December 06, 2008 | 0 Comments

Who thought that the famous pop artist Britney Spears would have such a great come-back. After ”Womanizer”, here comes a nice teaser of ”Circus”.

You can watch the full video here.

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The Mad Cow

Thursday, December 04, 2008 | 0 Comments

This is just too good. The future of the Chernobyl cow. The future of our country.

Sorry for those who do not understand Romanian.

Vaca are dinti numai sus iar jos n-are decat niste dinti foarte mici. Vaca mai are niste dinti si pe limba (vaca mutanta! clar!). Fecundarea e de trei feluri: simpla, compusa si amenajata. Vaca are un loc in gura care rumega si se numeste rumegator. Vaca dupa ce a rumegat trece prin ciur, cheag, esofag si foios. Vaca are o deosebire de animalele carnivore pentru ca ea are dinti carnivori si ierbivori.

Imparatul vacilor este boul (!!!!). Vaca cand paste intai apuca cu gura si apoi intervine cu limba ei cea lunga si de aceea se poate satura (noroc cu limba ei cea lunga ca altfel murea animalul de foame).

Vaca nu oua ca alte pasari (dar zboara spre tarile calde in fiecare toamna). Picioarele au doua degete la care au unghii ca sa poata rezista la calcarea altor animale pe picioarele ei. Adaposturile incapatoare si bine intretinute pot sa dea o cantitate mare de lapte (si eu credeam ca laptele vine de la vaca). Vaca cand doarme ea incepe sa mestece iarba care iese prin ciur.

Primul animal inrudit cu vaca a fost boul (al doilea a fost omul). Picioarele se termina cu patru copite care ii ajuta pentru a nu se intepa in talpa (dar se gadila cu paiul).
Vaca are trei stiluri de dinti: stilul de iarba, stilul de foioase, de rumegatoare si altele. Vara are coarnele mari pentru a se apara de lupi si de insectele salbatice (dar cu insectele domestice se impaca bine). Ea are si o coada lunga si cu un stufis de par. Vaca are salba mare si lunga, cand o gadili ea se opreste din mers. Vaca are patru picioare, la fel si porcul merge in doua. (nu, copilu', daca mami il alinta pe tati "porcule", nu inseamna ca toti porci merg in doua picioare)

Calul are o coada lunga, se foloseste la coarda pentru vioara sau pentru citera. Copitele ii ajuta la fuga ca niste pantofi (Nike Air Jordan). Pe gat are o floaca (what??) lunga care flutureaza cand fuge.

Sepia traieste in mari, oceane si pe stancile muntilor (si se hraneste cu afine). Alte animale inrudite cu sepia este si casalotul. Casalotul este lung de 15 cm. Sepia are o gura foarte mare care se afla intre picioare.

Musca cand zboara se aude cand merge.(si calca vaca pe picioare) Toracele sunt formate din trei perechi de picioare. Prima pereche e formata din doua picioare. In loc de a doua pereche se gasesc niste aripi.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Nivea Hair Care

Wednesday, December 03, 2008 | 2 Comments

No Comment. :)

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Worlds biggest Candle

Wednesday, December 03, 2008 | 0 Comments

This enchanting Christmas market is lit up, both metaphorically and literally, by the world's largest candle in the form of the illuminated castle keep. In Schlitz, Germany it is rising high above the town, it is even crowned with a giant light for the flame. Take a lift to the top and admire the scene. The views are even better when music and choirs can be heard in the streets below. I'm really starting to think ... it won't get worse tomorrow. :)

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Walrus plays the saxophone

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | 0 Comments

A walrus has become a star attraction with visitors at a zoo in Turkey by learning to play the saxophone.
Under the direction of her trainer, Sara the Walrus grips the brass instrument between her flippers and blasts out a note.
Russian trainer Sergiy has also taught her to strike a nonchalant pose, leaning on a worktop with one flipper under her chin and looking bored.
Sara's skills at mimicking humans extend to dressing up as a railway platform conductor and blowing a whistle.
Sara is delighting onlookers with her routines at Istanbul Dolphinarium in Istanbul which opened its doors this week.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...


Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | 3 Comments

As i was surfing on the internet, I accidentally found some durex commercials. I laughed my ass off and started to look for more and ... found more. I do not know where they have been published, but I did not see them before.

Check them out. Just enjoy. :)

About to get screwed?

Does it really last longer?!

And my personal favorurite. :)

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Why does traffic jam exist?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | 0 Comments

Just discovered some nice pictures. I'm quite sure you did not see them before. All of them are made in Germany. Enjoy.

Where is the missing half of the road?!

Maybe somebody got drunk before drawing the white line.

Nice. Can you actually turn right at such a crossing?

What about the disabled people?

This one I liked most. You're allowed to drive 300 km/h.
FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Celebrating the wrong birthday

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | 0 Comments

One of Britain's oldest women has been celebrating her birthday on the wrong day - for more than a century.
Lena Thouless, 106, a great-grandmother, from Bowthorpe, Norwich, has spent all her life celebrating her birthday on 23 November.
Detective work by her daughter, Lena Brooks, discovered she should have been blowing out the candles the day before, reports the Daily Telegraph.
Mrs Brooks, 55, also of Bowthorpe, was stunned to discover purely by chance that the extraordinary centenarian was actually born on 22 November. She found her mother's birthday certificate and is baffled why the family has always marked the occasion a day late.

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Jingle Wheels!

Sunday, November 23, 2008 | 0 Comments

December is not yet here, and many people started preparing for Christmas. :) The best decoration I discovered (until now) is in Cologne, Germany at a furniture store. Enjoy.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

The four legged chicken

Saturday, November 22, 2008 | 0 Comments

A Chinese man cracked open an egg to make his supper - and found a four-legged chick inside.

Mr Cao, of Changchun, said he bought dozens of eggs four months ago, and cracked one to make a meal.

He says he was shocked to find a chick alive inside it - and even more surprised when he noticed the extra legs.

"People said it wouldn't survive, but I kept it out of pity and it magically grew up healthy."
FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Man builds amphibious car

Saturday, November 22, 2008 | 0 Comments

A Chinese man spent 13 years building himself a car he can take fishing.

Wang Hongjun, an electrician from Qian'an city, Hebei province, says his "amphibicar" cost him about £100,000 and 13 years of persistence to develop.

After driving it to Beijing to find investors, he told the Beijing Times: "I'm looking for auto producers who are interested in my creation, since I don't want to keep it to myself."

The yellow sportscar can be sealed to make it waterproof by remote control. A column-shaped thruster and two propellers are installed in the car's boot.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

The greatest party

Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 0 Comments

Celebrating the birth of a new icon. The most spectacular opening of our time. 20 november 2008.
Atlantis the Palm.

See you next week. I'm on vacation. :)

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

From Outter Space

Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 0 Comments

Looks like one of the spiders that was sent to the ISS for research felt pretty bad about the lack of gravity and ran away. Zero gravity messes with the spiders and the webs they are making. Could it be that the small creature got fed up of disorientation?

The normally symmetrical web building spiders, who were sent up to the International space station for some experiments, are having trouble weaving in zero gravity. OK, well a lot of trouble. Astronauts were a little surprised when they had a peak in the specially built spider enclosure and discovered a freaky tangled 3 dimensional silk mess.


Another Question ... Does the International Space Station need a new name? Is ISS not enough?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It once was named Alpha. President Reagan wanted to name it Freedom, but that name was not good enough.

Parts of the space station have names: Zarya, Kibo, Destiny, Harmony and Columbus, but the entire assembly is just the plain-old, clunky, wordy International Space Station. Maye at its 10th anniversary, it will get a new name.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Scientists managed to ”draw” a rough draft of mammoth genome, out of frozen hair. This was the most successful attempt to sequence the DNA (almost 80%) of an extinct ancient animal to date, and although we won't see resurrected mammoths grazing the tundra anytime soon, it could give us a peek into the reasons for their extinction. Could it be, that the next step is to clone the mammoth and soon the giant, extinct animals will be running around?!

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

How to dribble at basketball

Thursday, November 20, 2008 | 0 Comments

I kind of felt pretty ashamed as I watched this 5 year old child dribble with three basketballs at one time, because I also played basketball for almost two years, but did not manage to have any performance. Five year old Milan dribbles 2 and 3 basketballs with ease. She has been playing basketball for 1.5 years and training with Triple Threat Academy since 2007.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Hitler had only got one ball

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

Hitler really did have only one ball, according to claims by a German army doctor who saved the Führer's life during the First World War. The disclosure is made in a document noting a conversation in the 1960s between German war doctor Johan Jambor and his priest, Franciszek Pawlar, according to The Sun. The priest's document has come to light 23 years after Jambor's death.

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One Lucky Penguin!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

A few days ago, one penguin got really lucky as he managed to save himself from the fury of several killer whales. He could then ”laugh” at the hungry, huge whales.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Drunk guy ...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

I know this video is quite old. But it's absolutely funny. Don't you think?

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New driving style

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

A novice driver lost control over the vehicle in Bavaria, Germany, while trying to turn ... She got on a slippery field and landed finally between lots of wood. Luckily, nobody got hurt. Smile ... next time it could be you.

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Legalize Marijuana

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

Guess what?! Pamela Anderson just made a call for legalizing cannabis in the US. She wrote to Barack Obama, on her blog, that ”legalizing marijuana could make people less corrupt” and, in her oppinion ”marijuana fields could offer jobs for people and would be good for the environment”.
FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

World Toilet Day

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 0 Comments

UNICEF celebrates the World Toilet Day on the 19th of November. This year they announced that 2,5 billion people do not have access to any sanitary facility. Furthermore, 1,2 billion do not have access to toilets at all and have to go out in the nature to ”free the beast”.

The Asian people have to suffer most. And the sad part ... 1,5 million children die every year because of missing toilets and lack of hygiene.

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How big can you get?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | 0 Comments

Some crazy guys in Peru designed the largest jeans. Could you wear more than 7 tons?
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Crazy pilots ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | 0 Comments

Some amator pilots managed to hit a cow with the airplane as they were flying over a field at a pretty low altitude. What happend to the cow? Hopefully it did not die ...

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

What do you think 'bout this? Last week, two girls were walking almost naked in Leipzig, Germany ... this week one girl was walking completly naked in Bucharest, Romania. Could this get worse? Will we all be walking naked, although it's freezing cold in Romania and Germany? I think that's the latest trend ... or could it be the econimic crysis that's responsible for this?!

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Cool police undercover action

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | 0 Comments

A police man from Germany manged to catch a romanian thief after he desguised himself as a bush. The whole story started as a person spotted some bags dropped in a forest, near Bochum, in Germany. He alerted the police, the officers got themselves a "tree" suit, got in the bushes and waited for the burglar. Furthermore the leading german newspaper relates, two officers went to the burglar's lair, one of them got him self covered with his costume and the other one got was a back up.

After about eight hours, a car arrived, the romanian guy got out of it and he was caught in the act, leaving his "prey" back in the forest. Too bad and too sad that a nice judge allowed, the thief to be free again.

Funny what kind of ideas people have and how they try to fight crime all over the world. Keep smiling. Maybe one day, you'll be the one that has a brilliant idea.
FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Crazy scientists

Monday, November 17, 2008 | 0 Comments

Scientist found out that a shrimp can "run" 20 meters/minute. That's cool, huh? He can also run for three hours without a stop. Even better ... all you need to know.

FinD OuT MoRe! CheCk ThiS OuT ...

Just another nice story. It happend in Germany, where a dog adopted five. Tomorrow, it could be that some snakes are adopted by mice. Or maybe, a fox that adopts chicken. Funny, huh?
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The crazy dog

Monday, November 17, 2008 | 0 Comments

What do you think? Did this dog get too much coffee?

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A really, really weird world

Monday, November 17, 2008 | 1 Comments

Maybe everyone read and had enough about this topic. We all know that the world that we live in is pretty odd. Moving forward, I would like to stick to this subject and as this is my first post, I really think it's a good moment to smile.

Things are getting weird all over the world, not only in Europe or around the place that we live in.

I got really fascinated as I recently read that japanese people enjoy the new "Limited Edition" Pepsi with Yoghurt flavour.

Funny, ha?!
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